Saturday, March 8, 2014

Tea mixture of Marigold Yarrow and Nettle for dis Cancer

After the start of treatment operations on the breast cancer. Scars are below the armpit They smear grease from marigold (see section marigold) Herbal residues for preparing the fat can be four to five times that used for the previous wrap to warm slightly.
If you are covered
lymphatic glands often need to put a lump of mashed leaf narrow-leaved or broad leaf plantain.

Furthermore drinking tea from   300gr Marigold and 100 gr Yarrow  and 100gr Nettle all well mixed.

Tea take full teaspoon of this mixture in a quart of water. The daily amount is 1.5 to 2 liters of tea hot  which should be drunk during the day .
One young woman said two weeks after her child born nipples  my nodules appeared and I got sore nipples.

it was accompanied by a high fever and severe pain reduced to a lump of bitters me overnight free all problems.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Diet from Jogurt cucumber and sesame

Every morning for breakfast we take jogurt 200 mg and  two teaspoons sesame
and we combine them and add a pinch of salt, depending of taste how much we wants
then take half a cucumber or finely chopped 150gr tiny pieces.

This mix contains a high percentage of Vitamin A and Vitamin B12 and is very useful for humans if used every morning as breakfast type

Lunch used 100mg jogurt and one tablespoon of sesame same way combine and add salt to taste.

For dinner we take 250gr Jogur  3 tablespoons sesame and cucumber finely chopped 150gr combine stir it together and add salt to taste this combination get much Vitamin A Vitamin B Vitamin C and Vitamin B12

In a week with this diet lose up to 6 pounds depending on how that would apply

Onion tea {" Cure For Respiratory"}


- 1 onion
- 3-4 tablespoons honey
- Lemon juice drained

One head  onion is cut in small pieces, so I added the honey and stir until you get a homogeneous mixture. Thus prepared mixture and let stand until liquid slip, I strain the liquid so I added a little lemon juice.

Method of use:
Take a spoon until you feel the need, no time limit nor the dose.

mix the wort and onions
In St. John’s wort has the essential oils in an amount of about 0.2%. There are significant amounts of tannins (about 10 %), flavonoids (routine, quercetin), resins and hypericin – St. John’s wort red color, which is its characteristic.

Mistletoe Tea {" Cure for Abdomin Pain and Rheumatism "}

One filled tea spoon of mistletoe for a deal to infuse twelve hours in tea cup with cold water.
Then the extract is heated and Procedures.

Daily should drink two cups one early morning the other night for comfort is good if the daily dose is placed in previously heated thermos.

The best natural herb for pain relief of menopause in women protects up to 50 percent of abdominal pain and the onset of menopause.

It is recommended hysterical attacks against humans has a good share in the fight against rheumatism and greatest healing property is in the fight against cancer.
Its healing capacity against tumor is very strong it is recommended to drink as much tea and contains the healing properties of chemical medicine called pharmacy.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Willow Tea { " Cure For Blood "}

( for specified diseases )
1 tablespoon finely chopped dried flowering tops , 2dl water
Preparing . Pour hot water plants , cover it stand for 15 minutes and strain .
Using the . Drink 2-3 cups of tea a day can be sweetened with honey .

( for children’s diarrhea)
150 grams of powder of flowers Vrbice , 1kg of sugar , one liter of water
Preparing . Water pour powder Vrbice ( enough water to cover and soak for 24 hours , strain
 Dissolve sugar in water and add the extract , ie water which wets the powder and cook on low heat until you get a thick syrup mixture .
Using the . Taken 2-3 times per day for one teaspoon to one tablespoon , with tea .

Thyme Tea { " Cure For Depression and Alcoholism " }

Thyme Tea.
Time to flowering May-June
Smell and taste:
The smell of intense, aromatic, bright taste aromatic and bitter
It grows as a small low prostrate shrub height of 10-30cm, and its side stalk him round or rectangle. The leaves are unequal in size and shape, from linear to roundish, egg-, suličastih, the edge entire, rough, almost leathery.
 On the tops of branches develop bright red flowers to crimson.

Thyme is rightfully called the most holy name , which suggests that this herb for women . Almost all languages ​​is named thyme . Thyme is a strong antiseptic for internal organs , respiratory and urogenital organs . The plant provides a force that stimulates the mental and physical functions , while operating in diseases such as :

- Various neuroses ( bath of thyme strengthens the nerves and muscles )
- Depression , neurasthenia , alcoholism – for them the thyme real cure . In folk medicine recommended in the treatment of alcoholism because after drinking tea leads to vomiting , a person who drinks loses the will to further alcohol consumption

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Abdovin Tea { "CURE FOR DIABETIS" }

(for more urination, bowel movements, and nerve diseases)
4 g of fruits abdovine, 1 dl water.
Fruits and boil briefly cover. Let it sit for half an hour and strain and drink 1-2 cups a day.

(spring and autumn blood cleansing) 1 kg of fresh fruits abdovine, 4 tablespoons honey
Preparation: fruits (berries) mash and leave covered for 3-4 days to boil. When the clarified juice, strain and sweeten with honey. Taken three times a day for one tablespoon of syrup, half an hour before meals.

(for the treatment of respiratory catarrh lung irritation against cough and phlegm in the chest)
2 g of leaves abdovine gently cook in 1 dl white wine for 2-3 minutes, strain and well sweetened with honey. Drink 1-2 cups a day.