Monday, February 24, 2014

Diet from Jogurt cucumber and sesame

Every morning for breakfast we take jogurt 200 mg and  two teaspoons sesame
and we combine them and add a pinch of salt, depending of taste how much we wants
then take half a cucumber or finely chopped 150gr tiny pieces.

This mix contains a high percentage of Vitamin A and Vitamin B12 and is very useful for humans if used every morning as breakfast type

Lunch used 100mg jogurt and one tablespoon of sesame same way combine and add salt to taste.

For dinner we take 250gr Jogur  3 tablespoons sesame and cucumber finely chopped 150gr combine stir it together and add salt to taste this combination get much Vitamin A Vitamin B Vitamin C and Vitamin B12

In a week with this diet lose up to 6 pounds depending on how that would apply

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