Sunday, February 23, 2014

Willow Tea { " Cure For Blood "}

( for specified diseases )
1 tablespoon finely chopped dried flowering tops , 2dl water
Preparing . Pour hot water plants , cover it stand for 15 minutes and strain .
Using the . Drink 2-3 cups of tea a day can be sweetened with honey .

( for children’s diarrhea)
150 grams of powder of flowers Vrbice , 1kg of sugar , one liter of water
Preparing . Water pour powder Vrbice ( enough water to cover and soak for 24 hours , strain
 Dissolve sugar in water and add the extract , ie water which wets the powder and cook on low heat until you get a thick syrup mixture .
Using the . Taken 2-3 times per day for one teaspoon to one tablespoon , with tea .

Survival in nature
Spring : Beru young leaves for the preparation of various stews and soups .
Summer: With the leaves are picked and flowers , tea .
Fall : Get to the root of any cook .
From cookery :
Root Vrbice is strong and fleshy , and are eaten cooked as well as young leaves , which are rich in calcium . The flowers are added to other dishes to provide food red.

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