Monday, February 24, 2014

Mistletoe Tea {" Cure for Abdomin Pain and Rheumatism "}

One filled tea spoon of mistletoe for a deal to infuse twelve hours in tea cup with cold water.
Then the extract is heated and Procedures.

Daily should drink two cups one early morning the other night for comfort is good if the daily dose is placed in previously heated thermos.

The best natural herb for pain relief of menopause in women protects up to 50 percent of abdominal pain and the onset of menopause.

It is recommended hysterical attacks against humans has a good share in the fight against rheumatism and greatest healing property is in the fight against cancer.
Its healing capacity against tumor is very strong it is recommended to drink as much tea and contains the healing properties of chemical medicine called pharmacy.

Preparing a teaspoon of mistletoe placed in two hundred milliliters of boiling water and let stand until an hour then drink without sugar suddenly need to drink up to 5 cups of tea in a day for people who suffer from histechin attack and need to drink up to 10 cups people who have cancer and are recommended to three cups for people with rheumatism.

Blooms from March to May, and the fruit brought from August to November. It was found that the chemical composition and curative properties depend on the host tree on which the mistletoe lives. As a semi-parasite lives in various belogoričnom and coniferous trees.

The fruit of the mistletoe is poisonous, while the handle and leaf curable. Since the beginning of October to the end of December are picked and dried leaves and thinner handles. Next harvest period is from March to April in the other months, the plant has no curative properties.

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