Sunday, February 23, 2014

Thyme Tea { " Cure For Depression and Alcoholism " }

Thyme Tea.
Time to flowering May-June
Smell and taste:
The smell of intense, aromatic, bright taste aromatic and bitter
It grows as a small low prostrate shrub height of 10-30cm, and its side stalk him round or rectangle. The leaves are unequal in size and shape, from linear to roundish, egg-, suličastih, the edge entire, rough, almost leathery.
 On the tops of branches develop bright red flowers to crimson.

Thyme is rightfully called the most holy name , which suggests that this herb for women . Almost all languages ​​is named thyme . Thyme is a strong antiseptic for internal organs , respiratory and urogenital organs . The plant provides a force that stimulates the mental and physical functions , while operating in diseases such as :

- Various neuroses ( bath of thyme strengthens the nerves and muscles )
- Depression , neurasthenia , alcoholism – for them the thyme real cure . In folk medicine recommended in the treatment of alcoholism because after drinking tea leads to vomiting , a person who drinks loses the will to further alcohol consumption

- Then used with weaknesses and sexual disorders as enhances , stimulates sexual function
- Lung diseases such as asthma , bronchitis , emphysema , tuberculosis takes a tea or syrup thyme acts as a multifunctional : as expectorant ( dissolves mucus , catarrh ) that facilitates expectoration , as an antiseptic that soothes very pertussis ( whooping cough ), and as an antiseptic which prevents the spread of infection that has anti-inflammatory

Thyme belongs to the family labiate (Familiae Lamiaceae). Apothecary name-Herba Serpylli. It is a natural aphrodisiac, antiseptic, antioxidant, antispazmatik, antiretik, astringent, antitussive, antihelmetik, digestive, diuretic, dijaforetik, deodorant, emmenagogue, expectorant, carminative, mikotik, sedative, tonic, vermifuge.

Other names to it:
čubrić, thyme, wild basil, thyme motherfucker, maternika, Polish thyme, bindweed, thyme, garden thyme, scream.

Western folk medicine thyme is used to treat bronchitis, vocal cord disease, diseases of the stomach, throat diseases, intestinal catarrh, a strong irritant and convulsive monthly cycle, hoarseness, various wounds, respiratory and gastric catarrh, weak nerves, sprained leg. It is also used as a spice and as a plant with magical power.

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