Saturday, February 22, 2014

Abdovin Tea { "CURE FOR DIABETIS" }

(for more urination, bowel movements, and nerve diseases)
4 g of fruits abdovine, 1 dl water.
Fruits and boil briefly cover. Let it sit for half an hour and strain and drink 1-2 cups a day.

(spring and autumn blood cleansing) 1 kg of fresh fruits abdovine, 4 tablespoons honey
Preparation: fruits (berries) mash and leave covered for 3-4 days to boil. When the clarified juice, strain and sweeten with honey. Taken three times a day for one tablespoon of syrup, half an hour before meals.

(for the treatment of respiratory catarrh lung irritation against cough and phlegm in the chest)
2 g of leaves abdovine gently cook in 1 dl white wine for 2-3 minutes, strain and well sweetened with honey. Drink 1-2 cups a day.

1 kg of chopped root abdovine cook in 5 liters of water on low heat for two hours. Strain. The extract soak your feet.

Flower abdovine is antineuralgik who treats patients nerve (neuralgia), then a diuretic that increases the excretion of urine, diaphoretic that induces sweating, which antirheumatic rheumatic difficulties, antiitussive that soothes coughs.

Regulation of hypertension (high pressure) is achieved by use of flower tea abdovine. As a cosmetic used to clean the face of spots, stains and various skin impurities.
- List the liver detoxifier and regulator of renal function
- The root is the most natural diuretic that stimulates the secretion of body fluids and diuretics (dropsy), and acts as a laxative that stimulates bowel movements
- At the painful tooth (keep a piece of root in the mouth)
- Abdovine fruits are used to treat diabetes

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